Conflict Management


Conflict Management (in volunteer management): Addressing and resolving disputes among volunteers or staff.

Conflict Management

Conflict management is the process of addressing and resolving disputes among volunteers or staff. It aims to foster cooperation and understanding, leading to a harmonious volunteering environment.

What is Conflict Management

Conflict management refers to the strategies and techniques used to handle disagreements or disputes effectively. It’s not about avoiding conflict but managing it constructively. For instance, let’s say two volunteers disagree on the best approach to a community project. Instead of letting emotions flare, you can facilitate a discussion where both parties present their views. A mediator can help them find common ground and develop a mutually agreeable solution. However, not addressing the conflict might lead to further resentment and decrease team morale. Additionally, conflicting interests can arise even in well-structured teams and can be related to misunderstandings, personality clashes, or differing priorities. The essence of conflict management lies in creating an atmosphere where open dialogue is encouraged. This not only resolves the issue at hand but also strengthens the team’s bond. Just remember, conflict isn’t inherently bad; it can lead to innovation when managed well.

Best practices for Conflict Management

First, encourage open communication among team members. Neither party should suppress their feelings or thoughts; clarity can often dissolve misunderstandings. Second, provide training on conflict resolution. Equip your volunteers with techniques like active listening or using “I” statements to express feelings without hostility. Lastly, facilitate regular check-ins. Proactively addressing minor conflicts can prevent them from escalating into major disputes. If you sense tension brewing, act quickly to mediate before it spirals out of control.

Most common pitfalls for Conflict Management

Avoid jumping to conclusions without hearing all sides of the story. This could exacerbate the situation and tarnish trust. Don’t allow negative emotions to dictate the resolution process. This can cloud judgment and lead to decisions that favor one party over another. Additionally, steer clear of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Every conflict is unique, and employing tailored strategies leads to more effective resolutions.

How we can help

For organizations navigating these challenging waters, we’ve built a modern volunteer signup app designed with best practices in mind, notably in fostering communication and collaboration among volunteers. It allows team leaders to manage disputes efficiently by creating open channels for dialogue. We’re committed to providing you with tools that enhance your conflict management approach. Sign up for a free account on our website and give our volunteer management software, Zelos Team Management, a try. We’re eager to support your mission!


Volunteer management glossary