

Engagement (in volunteer management): Actively involving volunteers in meaningful work.


Engagement is the process of actively involving volunteers in meaningful work that resonates with their interests and skills.

What is Engagement

Engagement goes beyond just assigning tasks to volunteers. It’s about creating a sense of ownership and connection. For example, if you run a community garden, instead of merely asking volunteers to weed, invite them to design new garden plots or choose plants. This makes them feel valued. Engagement is not merely providing a job description but involves dialogue and feedback. It’s opening the floor for volunteers to share their ideas and suggestions. Think about inviting a volunteer to assess the current outreach plan—this gives them a stake in your mission. On the flip side, engaging volunteers doesn’t mean overwhelming them with responsibilities or leadership roles if they’re not ready or willing. Harness their enthusiasm, but also respect their comfort levels.

Best practices for Engagement

Ensure responsibilities align with volunteers’ interests. A volunteer who loves photography might contribute by documenting events, while another passionate about social media could help manage online outreach. Communication is key; check in regularly to understand their experiences and needs. Celebrate milestones together, even small ones, to acknowledge their contribution and keep morale high. Also, encourage skill development. Perhaps offer workshops that allow volunteers to learn valuable skills as they work.

Most common pitfalls for Engagement

Avoid ignoring volunteers’ feedback. If they express concerns or ideas, listen up! Not addressing their inputs can demotivate them. Also, steer clear of micromanaging. Volunteers thrive on autonomy; hovering over them squeezes out that creativity and passion. Finally, be cautious of rigid task assignments. If tasks don’t resonate with their interests, volunteers may disengage. Innovate and adapt responsibilities to keep the spark alive!

How we can help

We’ve built a modern volunteer signup app that aligns perfectly with the best practices and pitfalls outlined above. With our platform, you can easily tailor tasks to match volunteers’ interests and communicate effectively with them. We’re working hard on building this software, and we invite you to try our app and sign up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary