Grievance Procedure


Grievance Procedure (in volunteer management): Formal process for addressing volunteer complaints.

Grievance Procedure

The grievance procedure is a formal process for addressing volunteer complaints. It ensures that concerns are heard and acted upon, promoting a healthy and positive volunteer environment.

What is Grievance Procedure

A grievance procedure is a structured approach to managing complaints and issues raised by volunteers. It is essential in any organization that relies on volunteers, as it establishes a clear channel for expressing dissatisfaction or conflict. For instance, if a volunteer feels overwhelmed with their duties, they should have a pathway to voice their concerns without fear of retaliation. Think of it as a safety net that allows volunteers to seek support while enhancing organizational integrity. This process typically begins with an informal conversation—many grievances can be resolved through dialogue. However, if issues remain, the procedure becomes formal, documenting the complaint, addressing it through the proper channels, and seeking resolution. On the flip side, a lack of a grievance procedure can lead to unresolved issues festering, which may result in high volunteer turnover or a toxic atmosphere. A well-oiled grievance procedure not only resolves issues but also helps build trust between volunteers and management, making everyone feel valued and understood.

Best practices for Grievance Procedure

First and foremost, always encourage open communication. Make it known that volunteers can approach you with complaints without fear of negative repercussions. Secondly, document everything! This allows you to track repeated issues and ensures transparency. Thirdly, provide training for management on the procedure. When everyone in a leadership position understands the grievance process, it creates a consistent and fair approach to handling issues.

Most common pitfalls for Grievance Procedure

One common pitfall is ignoring informal complaints; these can often escalate into formal grievances if left unchecked. Another mistake is not following up once an issue is resolved, which can lead to lingering doubts among volunteers about whether their concerns were genuinely addressed. Lastly, complacency in the grievance process is detrimental. If volunteers perceive the procedure as merely a box-ticking exercise, they’ll hesitate to utilize it, which defeats its purpose.

How we can help

We understand the challenges of managing volunteer grievances effectively and have crafted a modern volunteer signup app to assist in this area. By facilitating proper communication channels, our tool supports your grievance procedures helping ensure that every voice is heard. We’re working hard on building this software, and we invite you to try out our app and sign up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary