Mission Statement


Mission Statement (in volunteer management): A brief description of the organization’s purpose and goals.

Mission Statement

A mission statement clearly defines your organization’s purpose and goals, acting as a guiding light for decision-making and strategy.

What is a Mission Statement

A mission statement is a concise declaration of what an organization stands for. It encapsulates the core purpose, values, and primary objectives. For example, a nonprofit focused on education might state, “Empowering underprivileged youth through quality education.” Conversely, a vague statement like “We aim to help people” lacks clarity and direction. A good mission statement is specific, engaging, and inspiring. It serves as a tool for alignment among volunteers and stakeholders, keeping everyone focused on shared goals. In the rapidly changing landscape of nonprofits, your mission statement should reflect the current objectives while remaining adaptable to future needs. Clear articulation of this statement fosters identity and accountability, keeping every team member informed and motivated. Take, for instance, a community garden’s mission statement — “To cultivate healthy food and community well-being through sustainable gardening practices.” This conveys not just the activity but also the broader impact, stirring emotions and encouraging participation.

Best practices for Mission Statements

First, involve key stakeholders in the process. Their insights can bring different perspectives that refine your statement. Next, keep it simple; several short sentences are more impactful than long, complex phrases. Finally, ensure it resonates emotionally; think about how your statement makes someone feel, as an inspired volunteer is the best kind! An example of emotional resonance can be found in the phrase “Working hand in hand for a brighter future.”

Most common pitfalls for Mission Statements

One common pitfall is using jargon. Avoid industry-specific lingo that may alienate outsiders or even your team. Another mistake is being overly ambitious; focus on what you can realistically accomplish. Lastly, don’t let it become stale. Regularly revisit and update your mission statement to reflect evolving goals and community needs, lest it gather dust like an old trophy.

How we can help

Crafting a compelling mission statement is just the first step. We understand that effectively managing volunteers under that mission is crucial. We’ve built a modern volunteer signup app that encourages engagement and commitment, aligning perfectly with the clarity a strong mission statement provides. Try out our volunteer management software, Zelos Team Management, and sign up for a free account to see how it can enhance your volunteer experience today!


Volunteer management glossary