

Policies (in volunteer management): Established rules governing volunteer behavior and operations.


Policies are established rules that govern volunteer behavior and operations within an organization. They set expectations and standards to enhance collaboration and maintain a positive environment.

What is Policies

Policies are formal guidelines that inform volunteers about the expected behaviors and procedures within an organization. They can cover various aspects of volunteer management, such as code of conduct, communication protocols, and reporting procedures. For example, a policy might specify how volunteers should communicate with team leaders or how to report issues. Policies help create a transparent environment while also ensuring everyone is on the same page. They are not arbitrary rules thrown together; rather, they must be thoughtfully crafted to reflect the core values of your organization. Let’s say you run a community garden; a policy might include guidelines on respecting fellow volunteers’ personal space. On the other hand, not having a policy could lead to misunderstandings, like what happens when a volunteer consistently shows up late. A strong policy not only delineates acceptable behavior but also provides a framework for accountability and discipline. More than just a document, a well-communicated policy fosters trust and makes your volunteers feel protected as they know what to expect. Also, regular updates ensure that the policies evolve with both organizational changes and feedback from volunteers.

Best practices for Policies

First, involve volunteers in policy creation; their input can enhance buy-in and relevancy. Second, regularly review and revise the policies to ensure they remain effective and in line with your organization’s goals. Lastly, clearly communicate policies at orientation and keep them accessible to all volunteers, helping everyone know their rights and responsibilities.

Most common pitfalls for Policies

The first pitfall is creating overly complicated policies that confuse rather than clarify; simplicity is key! Next, never forget to communicate policies openly; failing to do so can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Finally, don’t ignore feedback regarding your policies; if volunteers find them cumbersome or outdated, they won’t follow them.

How we can help

We’ve built a modern volunteer signup app that may complement your best practices for policy development! Our focus is on creating a platform where policies can be easily shared and referenced, helping volunteers understand expectations and procedures. We’re working hard on building this software, and we invite you to sign up for a free account on our website and explore just how Zelos Team Management can make managing your volunteers smoother.


Volunteer management glossary