

Recruitment (in volunteer management): The process of attracting and selecting volunteers.


Recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting volunteers. It involves identifying needs, sourcing candidates, and ultimately securing individuals to join your mission.

What is Recruitment

Recruitment refers to the systematic method used to attract, select, and onboard volunteers who align with an organization’s mission and values. Imagine you’re running a community garden and need volunteers to help plant and maintain it. You might post on social media, attend community events, or collaborate with local schools to recruit those interested in gardening. Effective recruitment isn’t just about filling slots; it’s about finding the right fit. It’s not merely a one-off event; rather, it can be an ongoing series of strategies to build a cohesive team while fostering connections and commitment. You also want to steer clear of the ‘spray and pray’ approach, where you throw out general ads without targeting a specific audience. Such methods often result in lackluster applications and disengaged volunteers, wasting time and resources. So, what can you do instead? Think about quality over quantity and engage your community directly.

Best practices for Recruitment

Focus on crafting compelling stories about your organization. Share your mission and the impact of volunteering. This humanizes your call to action and resonates with potential volunteers. Leverage your existing network; word of mouth is powerful. Encourage current volunteers to refer friends or family. Finally, streamline your application process. A long or complicated application can discourage prospective volunteers, so keep it simple and engaging.

Most common pitfalls for Recruitment

Avoid vague job descriptions. If volunteers don’t know what’s expected, they may not apply or feel misled once they start. Also, don’t underestimate the power of follow-up. A candidate who doesn’t receive timely communication may lose interest or feel unappreciated. Lastly, don’t overlook the importance of a welcoming onboarding experience. If your induction process feels haphazard, new volunteers may quickly disengage, missing out on the potential for a valuable and lasting partnership.

How we can help

We understand that effective recruitment is both an art and a science. That’s why we’ve built a modern volunteer signup app that aligns beautifully with best practices and can help you avoid the common pitfalls mentioned. Picture this: a streamlined onboarding process that keeps candidates excited and engaged. We are working hard on building this software, and we invite you to try out our app by signing up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary