Call-in shift

Call-in shift (in shift work): A shift where employees must call in to confirm if they are needed.


Call-in shift

When employees must reach out to confirm their availability and necessity for work, rather than being assigned a set schedule in advance.

What is a call-in shift

This specific type of work arrangement prevalent in industries with fluctuating demands, such as retail or hospitality. In this setup, employees do not have a fixed shift every day but instead, they are required to ‘call in’ at a designated time to find out if they are needed that day.

This can provide flexibility for both employers and employees but can also lead to uncertainty for staff, as they might not know their work schedule until the last minute. For instance, a restaurant may run with a skeleton crew during slow periods and only call in additional staff when there is a surge in customers.

The upside is that businesses can efficiently manage labor costs by only bringing in workers as needed. This can be problematic for employees who rely on stable hours for their income. Call-in shifts differ from traditional scheduled shifts where employees have a clear understanding of their hours; here, the ambiguity can create tension. It’s vital to communicate clearly with your team about the expectations tied to these shifts.

It can become challenging when workers regularly face last-minute cancellations or find it difficult to plan personal commitments around this variability. The balance between operational efficiency and employee satisfaction is delicate but ripe with potential if navigated wisely.

Best practices

  • Clearly communicate the call-in process and expectations to your workforce to eliminate ambiguity.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with employees to gauge availability and preferences, ensuring they feel valued despite the uncertainty.
  • Monitor and analyze call-in patterns to adjust operational needs and plan shifts efficiently, minimizing last-minute calls that could create chaos.

Common pitfalls

  • Avoid relying too heavily on call-in shifts as this can lead to employee burnout and frustration over unpredictability.
  • Don’t ignore employee feedback; a lack of communication can spawn feelings of resentment or undervaluation.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of scheduling a fair system for call-ins; this can easily lead to favoritism, which deteriorates trust among your team.

How we can help

There are countless options out there for managing shifts, and not every software will cater to your unique needs. Give our self-scheduling tool, Zelos Team Management, a shot! We’re committed to assisting you with finding the most efficient methods for managing your flexible shifts. Sign up for a free account on our website and see how we can support your shift management journey.


Shift work glossary