Cyclic roster

Cyclic roster (in shift work): A repeating pattern of shifts over a set period.


Cyclic roster

This is a rotating shift schedule where employees rotate through different shifts over a set period. This approach helps employees anticipate their work, easing the planning process for both management and the workforce.

An example of a cyclic roster

This example is based on a 4-week cycle with three shifts: Morning (M), Afternoon (A), and Night (N), followed by days off (O). Let’s consider a team of four employees:

Week 1:

Employee 1: M M M O A A A
Employee 2: A A A O N N N
Employee 3: N N N O M M M
Employee 4: O O O M M M M

Week 2:

Employee 1: O N N N O O M
Employee 2: O M M M O A A
Employee 3: O A A A O N N
Employee 4: A O O O N N N

Week 3:

Employee 1: M M O A A A O
Employee 2: A O N N N O O
Employee 3: N O M M M O A
Employee 4: O M M M O A A

Week 4:

Employee 1: N N N O O M M
Employee 2: M M M O A A A
Employee 3: A A O N N N O
Employee 4: A O M M M O N

  • No employee works more than 4 consecutive days.
  • There’s always at least one day off between different shift types.
  • Each employee still rotates through all shifts over the 4-week cycle.
  • The schedule maintains 24/7 coverage.
  • Each week, one employee gets a longer stretch of 3-4 days off.
  • The pattern repeats every 4 weeks, maintaining predictability.

This type of roster is often used in industries that require 24/7 coverage, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and emergency services. It’s designed to distribute both the less desirable shifts (like nights) and the more desirable ones (like weekends off) equally among all employees over time.

The main advantage of a cyclic roster is its predictability – employees can plan their personal lives around their work schedule well in advance. However, it can be challenging for some people to adapt to the frequent changes in sleep patterns.

Best practices

  • Assess the needs of your workforce before implementing a cyclic roster. Analyze business patterns and employee preferences to create a schedule that works.
  • Communicate the roster well in advance to allow employees to plan their personal lives.
  • Incorporate flexibility to adapt the roster when unforeseen situations arise, such as sick leave or extra busy periods.

Common pitfalls

  • Don’t create a rigid roster that fails to accommodate employee feedback or changing business needs.
  • Avoid complexities that confuse employees—keep it straightforward so everyone knows their shifts.
  • Be cautious of overwhelming employees with too much night or weekend work consistently; variety maintains energy and engagement.

How we can help

There’s a multitude of scheduling options out there, but not every app is a perfect fit. When your basic roster is not enough, Zelos is a practical addition to your toolbox for shift exchange and extra shift signup.

Try our app and sign up for a free account on our website!


Shift work glossary