Freelance Management System (FMS)

Freelance Management System (FMS) (in gig economy): Platforms designed to manage and streamline freelance work arrangements.


Freelance Management System (FMS)

FMS refers to digital platforms that facilitate the organization and optimization of freelance work. In the context of the gig economy, these systems help businesses efficiently manage their contingent workforce by handling contract management, payment processing, and performance tracking, all while simplifying the overall freelancer experience.

What is a freelance management system

A freelance management system is a software solution designed to streamline the hiring and administration of freelance workers. It provides tools for onboarding freelancers, creating and managing contracts, and tracking project progress. Think of it as your Swiss Army knife for freelance management. For example, you can use an FMS to quickly onboard a graphic designer for a marketing campaign, allowing them to submit invoices directly through the platform.

An effective FMS is not just for large corporations; many small to medium-sized businesses adopt these systems to circumvent the headaches often associated with freelance work. What it’s not, however, is an endless list of spreadsheets where information gets lost. It isn’t merely a place to post gig listings. Instead, it connects all facets of freelance management—from the initial search for a freelancer to performance evaluations post-project completion, all in one place.

FMS tools commonly include features like automated contract generation, secure payment processing, and performance analytics, which help mitigate common freelancer-related challenges such as late payments or miscommunication. Some systems even provide compliance tracking to ensure both parties adhere to labor laws. For instance, an FMS can alert you when a freelancer’s contract is about to expire, prompting timely renewals.

Utilizing an FMS can dramatically improve efficiency. For instance, imagine you need to hire multiple freelance writers for a new campaign. Instead of the traditional back-and-forth communication via email, an FMS enables you to easily manage their applications and track their output.

FMS best practices

  • Establish clear guidelines for engagement. Specify scope, deliverables, and timelines upfront, so everyone knows what to expect.
  • Invest time in choosing the right FMS. Not all platforms fit every business; find one tailored to your unique needs and company culture.
  • Prioritize communication. Use your FMS’s collaboration features to facilitate seamless dialogues amongst freelancers and teams, which fosters a sense of belonging, even from a distance.

FMS common pitfalls

  • Don’t underestimate the importance of proper onboarding. Cutting corners here can lead to confusion and missed deadlines.
  • Avoid neglecting data security. Freelancers often handle sensitive information, and an insecure system can create vulnerabilities.
  • Steer clear of vague contracts. Lack of clarity in agreements can result in disputes, wasted time, and damaged relationships.

How we can help

Zelos Team Management is an internal FMS that simplifies the complexities of freelance administration within an organisation. We can help you foster open communication and collaboration when you have a lot of work and lots of workers to keep track of. Give the app a test run – sign up for a free account on our website today!


Gig economy glossary