Temporary Worker

Temporary Worker (in gig economy): An employee hired for a limited period to meet business demand.


Temporary Worker

An individual hired for a specific time frame to address business needs that fluctuate, such as seasonal peaks or special projects. This arrangement is crucial in the gig economy for flexibility and agility in workforce management.

Who is a Temporary Worker

A temporary worker, often referred to as a “temp”, is an employee brought on board for a predetermined duration. This can range from a single day to several months. These workers are invaluable in industries experiencing fluctuating demands.

For instance, a retail company might hire seasonal staff during the holiday rush but release them afterward when foot traffic decreases. Unlike permanent employees, temps often do not receive the same benefits, such as health insurance or vacation pay, but they do enjoy the flexibility of short-term work.

Some temporary roles can lead to permanent positions if both parties find the arrangement beneficial. This situation is prevalent in industries like hospitality and healthcare, where the need for skilled workers can surge suddenly.

Best practices

Communicate clear expectations upfront; ensure that your temporary workers know their roles and responsibilities from day one. This clarity helps avoid confusion and increases productivity.

Provide proper training tailored for the temporary role; even short-term employees benefit from knowing how to use specific tools or software effectively. This investment pays off in efficiency.

Foster a welcoming environment; integrating temporary workers with your permanent staff builds team spirit and enhances collaboration. Nobody wants to feel like an outsider on the job.

Common pitfalls

Failing to clarify terms and conditions with temporary workers can lead to misunderstandings. Without a clear agreement, you may find yourself overwhelmed with unnecessary disputes.

Neglecting a proper onboarding process can leave temporary workers feeling lost and unproductive. Skipping this step may seem time-saving but it usually backfires.

Assuming temporary workers lack commitment; treating them as less important can create disengagement. Remember, those ‘temps’ can be just as dedicated as your full-timers.

How we can help

Zelos Team Management is an intuitive plaform for dispatching task assignments and live communication. Sign up for a free account on our website and discover how we can support your contingent workforce management needs.


Gig economy glossary