Expectation Management


Expectation Management (in volunteer management): Clarifying roles and responsibilities to prevent misunderstandings.

Expectation Management

Expectation management is all about setting clear, achievable outcomes within your organization. It’s the key to ensuring everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, preventing potential misunderstandings.

What is Expectation Management

Expectation management refers to the proactive process of communicating what volunteers and staff can expect from each other. It starts with clearly defining roles and responsibilities within your team. For example, if you have a volunteer coordinating events, make sure they know whether they’re making decisions, finding vendors, or just providing support. This clarity prevents tasks from falling through the cracks. On the flipside, vague expectations can lead to confusion, frustration, and ultimately burnout. Imagine a scenario where a volunteer assumes they’re responsible for marketing an event, only to find out someone else was designated for that. See where confusion creeps in? It’s essential to address the ‘who does what’ early on in your projects. Moreover, expectations also involve timelines for tasks. If a volunteer believes they have two weeks for a project but the team expects it done in one, you’re setting the stage for disappointment. Having pre-emptive discussions can save everyone a lot of grief. It’s about fostering an environment where open communication is the norm, and everyone feels comfortable seeking clarity should they need it.

Best practices for Expectation Management

First, communicate expectations early and often. Kick-off meetings are perfect for discussing roles. Second, document everything. A shared document outlining responsibilities can be a lifesaver. Third, establish regular check-ins. They provide an opportunity to address any shifts in tasks or expectations as your project evolves.

Most common pitfalls for Expectation Management

Avoid assuming everyone is on the same page. Misunderstandings often begin when assumptions run rampant. Don’t forget to revisit expectations regularly. Just because things were clear at the start doesn’t mean they stay that way. Lastly, steer clear of vague language. Instead of saying “handle the event,” specify “secure the venue and coordinate catering”.

How we can help

We’ve built a modern volunteer signup app that’s tailored to assist organizations in establishing clear roles and responsibilities. This can help you implement the best practices of expectation management and keep your volunteers clearly informed. Trust me, having a platform where you manage tasks and timelines can alleviate a lot of stress. We invite you to try out Zelos Team Management by signing up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary