Job Description


Job Description (in volunteer management): A detailed outline of a volunteer role and responsibilities.

Job Description

A job description is a clear and concise outline that details a volunteer role, including responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations. This document helps potential volunteers understand what is expected of them and ensures alignment with organizational goals.

What is Job Description

A job description is essentially a detailed roadmap for what a volunteer role entails. It includes essential duties, required skills, and context within the organization. For example, if you’re looking for event volunteers, your job description might outline responsibilities like setting up venues, managing check-ins, or distributing materials. It should articulate the qualifications you seek, such as experience in event management or strong communication skills. It’s not just a bland list of tasks; it needs to paint a picture of how this role helps the organization achieve its mission. Conversely, what it is not—it’s not an exhaustive list of every thing the volunteer might ever do, nor should it be a rigid set of rules that stifles initiative and creativity. Instead, think of it as a flexible guide that encourages volunteers to contribute to your cause effectively.

Best practices for Job Description

First, tailor the job description to reflect your organization’s values and mission, making it appealing to the right candidates. Secondly, use clear and engaging language; this is your chance to excite potential volunteers about the role! Thirdly, include success metrics or outcomes that help volunteers visualize the impact of their work. For instance, if a role involves fundraising, express how many lives the funds raised will help improve. Lastly, be proactive by updating job descriptions frequently to reflect evolving organizational needs, ensuring they remain relevant and enticing.

Most common pitfalls for Job Description

One common pitfall is using jargon that volunteers may not understand; keep it straightforward! Another mistake is being vague about responsibilities, which can lead to frustration down the line—don’t be the organization that leaves volunteers guessing about what’s expected! Lastly, failing to highlight the benefits of the role, such as skills they will gain or friendships they will create, can turn potential volunteers away. Remember, it’s not just about filling a role; it’s about recruiting passionate individuals for your cause.

How we can help

We understand that crafting an engaging job description is crucial for attracting the right volunteers. That’s why we’ve developed a modern volunteer signup app that aligns with these best practices. Imagine being able to easily manage role descriptions and track shifts in real-time, ensuring alignment with your mission. We are working hard on building this software, and we’d love for you to try it out and sign up for a free account on our website. Experience how our Zelos Team Management can streamline your volunteer recruitment process!


Volunteer management glossary