

Orientation (in volunteer management): Training to familiarize volunteers with policies and procedures.


Orientation is the process of training volunteers to understand your organization’s policies and procedures. It’s essential for setting clear expectations and ensuring that volunteers feel welcome and informed.

What is Orientation

Orientation involves more than just handing out a pamphlet on policies. It is a structured program designed to integrate volunteers into your organization. Think of it as an exciting welcome party where you explain what your organization stands for, its values, and how volunteers can contribute. For example, new volunteers might shadow experienced ones during their first tasks, giving them real-world insights into their roles. This is crucial; it’s not just about talking at them – encourage questions and discussions. Effective orientation helps volunteers feel supported, ensuring they understand the tools and resources available to them. Additionally, clear communication of your organization’s mission fosters a sense of belonging right from the start. A poorly organized orientation, on the other hand, leaves volunteers confused and disengaged. Remember, a bewildered volunteer is likely to not return after their first shift, losing you a potential star.

Best practices for Orientation

Firstly, customize the orientation content to align with the specific volunteer roles; it improves relevance and engagement. Secondly, blend interactive elements into your session, like group activities or role-playing scenarios, to make the content stick. Thirdly, solicit feedback from volunteers after their orientation; it provides valuable insights into its effectiveness and areas for improvement. This collaborative approach enhances learning and satisfaction.

Most common pitfalls for Orientation

Don’t drown volunteers in information; they’ll likely become overwhelmed. Focus on the essentials first, then provide additional resources for deeper dives. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach; tailor the orientation to connect specifically with volunteer roles. Lastly, steer clear of skipping follow-up meetings; check in to discuss any uncertainties and adjustments needed. Neglecting this step can lead to missed opportunities for building a strong volunteer base.

How we can help

We understand that a well-executed orientation sets the tone for your volunteer experience. That’s why we’ve developed a user-friendly volunteer signup app that assists with orientation logistics, making the process smooth and efficient. By using our software, you can track volunteer feedback easily and adapt your orientation accordingly. We are working hard to provide the tools you need, so we invite you to try out our app and sign up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary