

Outcomes (in volunteer management): The results achieved through volunteer efforts.


Outcomes are the tangible results achieved through volunteer efforts. These can encompass positive changes in the community, increased skills among volunteers, or enhanced organizational performance driven by volunteer contributions.

What is Outcomes

Outcomes refer to the real-world changes that occur as a result of volunteer activities. For example, if volunteers work on an environmental project, the outcome might be a cleaner local park, reduced litter, and greater community awareness about sustainability. It’s important to distinguish outcomes from outputs; outputs are the activities completed, like volunteer hours logged or number of events held, while outcomes focus on lasting impacts. Measuring outcomes can reveal how effectively your organization is leveraging volunteer efforts. If a hospital has volunteers providing emotional support to patients and sees an increase in patient satisfaction scores, that’s an outcome worth celebrating. Conversely, if you were to only track the number of volunteers without assessing the changes in patient experiences, you wouldn’t fully grasp the depth of your program’s impact. Remember, effective outcome measurement not only helps in strategizing future initiatives but also aids in demonstrating the value of volunteer work to stakeholders.

Best practices for Outcomes

First, establish clear, measurable goals before your volunteers start their work. For example, if your goal is to provide educational support, define what success looks like, like increased literacy rates in the community. Second, use surveys or feedback sessions post-project to gather qualitative data from volunteers and beneficiaries alike. Their perspectives can reveal insights about the impact your efforts truly have. Finally, celebrate and communicate the outcomes with your team and broader community. Sharing testimonials or before-and-after stories can energize current volunteers and attract new ones to your cause.

Most common pitfalls for Outcomes

Avoid vague goal setting; if you can’t define success, you may not recognize it when it happens. Don’t ignore the importance of ongoing evaluation throughout the volunteer project. Collecting data as the project progresses allows for adjustments before it’s too late. Lastly, steer clear of solely focusing on numerical data without context; numbers mean nothing if you can’t articulate the human stories behind them. Failing to highlight the emotional or social impact of your volunteer initiatives can leave your efforts feeling unappreciated.

How we can help

To effectively manage and evaluate the outcomes of your volunteer efforts, a modern volunteer signup app can be invaluable. This can streamline setting clear goals, tracking progress, and collecting feedback in real time. We are working hard on building Zelos Team Management, and we invite you to try it out by signing up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary