Performance Review


Performance Review (in volunteer management): Regular evaluation of volunteer contributions.

Performance Review

Performance Review refers to the regular evaluation of volunteer contributions to ensure they meet organizational goals. This proactive process helps to recognize achievements, identify areas for improvement, and align volunteers’ personal goals with the organization’s mission.

What is Performance Review

Performance Review is a structured assessment of volunteer performance carried out at set intervals, typically annually or biannually. It’s a chance to provide feedback, celebrate successes, and set future objectives. For instance, if a volunteer has been spearheading a community project, a performance review may reveal others’ reluctance to share their ideas, indicating a need for more inclusive collaboration. Honest evaluations enhance relationship building and retention, as volunteers feel seen and valued. However, a performance review is NOT a one-sided critique; it should foster dialogue, growth, and focus on volunteers’ career aspirations. Avoid using a rigid form approach—tailor your feedback to each individual, making it more effective.

Best practices for Performance Review

Be specific in your feedback; provide concrete examples of what the volunteer did well. This clarity reinforces positive behaviors. Schedule these reviews regularly, as it creates an ongoing dialogue rather than a last-minute assessment. Incorporate self-evaluations; they help volunteers reflect on their contributions and open the floor for constructive conversations. For instance, ask a volunteer to rate their experience overseeing a fundraising event, which can lead to insightful discussions on improvement.

Most common pitfalls for Performance Review

Don’t wait until the end of the year to conduct reviews; sporadic feedback leads to frustration. Avoid vague terminology; “great job” falls short. Be descriptive about their achievements. Lastly, steer clear of comparisons among volunteers; each contributor is unique and should be evaluated on their own merits, fostering a positive organizational culture.

How we can help

We’ve built a modern volunteer signup app that can seamlessly integrate performance reviews, ensuring regular evaluations while keeping the process straightforward. With our software, you can easily track volunteer contributions and engage in meaningful conversations about their growth. We are working hard on building this software, and we invite you to try out our app by signing up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary