

Transparency (in volunteer management): Open communication about decisions and processes affecting volunteers.


Transparency means open communication about decisions and processes that affect volunteers. It fosters trust and ensures everyone understands the “why” behind actions within your organisation.

What is Transparency

Transparency is the practice of openly sharing information and decision-making processes with your volunteers. When you embrace transparency, you create an inclusive environment where volunteers feel valued and informed. For instance, if your nonprofit is shifting its focus or introducing new processes, sharing this information early helps volunteers adjust and feel a part of the journey. Conversely, hiding or glossing over changes can lead to confusion and disconnect. Imagine announcing a significant budget cut without explaining the reasons; volunteers may feel demoralized, suspecting mismanagement. Transparency, however, would involve detailing the financial situation, discussing the need for changes, and encouraging volunteers to contribute ideas for adaptation. Doing so will cultivate engagement and creativity among your team.

Best practices for Transparency

Regularly communicate updates with your volunteers. This should involve newsletters or meetings that detail project developments. Create channels for feedback and discussion. By encouraging open dialogue, volunteers can express their thoughts and influence decision-making. Be upfront about challenges. Sharing hurdles builds a culture of responsibility and inclusivity, enabling everyone to contribute to solutions.

Most common pitfalls for Transparency

One of the most common pitfalls is overloading volunteers with unnecessary details. While it’s essential to share information, bombarding them can cause confusion. Another pitfall is failing to involve volunteers in decision-making processes. Ignoring their insights can lead to disillusionment. Lastly, make sure to uphold transparency even during tough times. Avoiding discussion of challenges can breed distrust and suspicion over your motives.

How we can help

We’ve designed a volunteer management app that prioritizes transparency and fosters communication among your team. For example, our platform allows you to share updates effectively and gather feedback, ensuring your volunteers feel heard and involved. We are working hard to build Zelos Team Management, and we invite you to try our app and sign up for a free account on our website.


Volunteer management glossary