A gamified app for youth engagement

A powerful way to motivate a group of digital natives

Start a free project

Update, schedule, notify

Keep everyone in the loop and up to date with schedules, tasks and notices.


Share new challenges with the team and receive live updates on their progress.

Empower and motivate

Award points and create competitions to determine your most active project participants.

Support, guide, empower and motivate

Easy to set up, easy to use

The average time it takes to set up a project is about 30 minutes.

Your program participants can download a mobile app for convenient notifications when new tasks are available, or access the project on a desktop computer and request notifications via email.

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How does the app work?

Flexible gamification according to your needs

Set up leaderboards to drive competition between individual participants, or set the game up between groups.

Keep track of daily, weekly, or monthly scores, or simply display an all-time scoreboard of the whole project.


Gamify anything

Join the list of coordinators that gamify their youth programs with  Zelos

Start your project to see instant results!

Zelos Quote mark

Zelos dramatically increased the number young people completing our program tasks. Before around 20-30% of the group was active and engaged, now that’s around 75-90%.”

Erkki Kubber
Coordinator, Changemakers Academy program – Estonia

100+ teens in every batch
2 project coordinators
10+ companies supported each year
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Want to make sure Zelos is the right app for you?Book a demo