

Cohesion (in volunteer management): The sense of unity and teamwork among volunteers.


Cohesion refers to the sense of unity and teamwork among volunteers. It’s that magical feeling when everyone works together seamlessly towards a common goal, making volunteering both effective and enjoyable.

What is Cohesion

Cohesion is the glue that holds a team of volunteers together. It encompasses collaboration, mutual support, and a shared sense of purpose. For example, a community cleanup event where volunteers encourage and help each other demonstrates cohesion. Conversely, in a scenario where individuals work isolated from one another, we see a lack of cohesion, resulting in inefficiencies and reduced motivation. Think of sports teams in which players communicate and rely on each other to win a game. That’s cohesion in action! In a volunteer setting, it’s all about creating an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and connected, regardless of their role. Activities like team-building exercises and regular check-ins can foster this environment. Ultimately, high cohesion contributes not only to a productive outcome but also to the personal satisfaction of each volunteer.

Best practices for Cohesion

Build strong relationships among volunteers by hosting social events to break the ice and encourage camaraderie.
Establish clear communication channels so everyone feels heard and informed; regular updates keep the team aligned.
Encourage collaborative projects, allowing volunteers to work side-by-side toward shared goals; teamwork gets people invested and engaged.

Most common pitfalls for Cohesion

Avoid creating an environment where communication is one-sided; this alienates volunteers and hinders unity.
Don’t neglect individual contributions; sidelining anyone can breed resentment and decrease morale.
Be cautious of overloading volunteers with tasks that don’t promote collaboration; isolation leads to disconnection.

How we can help

We understand how important cohesion is for building a tight-knit volunteer community. That’s why we’ve developed a modern volunteer signup app that assists in fostering communication and engagement. Our platform facilitates collaboration and alignment among volunteers, making team bonding easier. We invite you to try out our app and see how it can support your volunteer management needs. Sign up for a free account on our website!


Volunteer management glossary