Exit Interview


Exit Interview (in volunteer management): Discussion with volunteers leaving the organization to gather feedback.

Exit Interview

Exit interviews are insightful discussions with volunteers leaving your organization. They offer invaluable feedback on their experiences and can drive positive changes in your operations.

What is an Exit Interview

An exit interview is a structured conversation designed to gather feedback from volunteers who are departing. It’s a way for organizations to understand the reasons for departure and highlight areas for improvement. For example, a volunteer may disclose that they felt under-utilized or lacked communication from their team leader. This feedback can illuminate inefficiencies within your team or reveal a need for more engagement tactics. Alternatively, exit interviews help you identify what your organization does right. Perhaps a volunteer retired because they’re moving to a new city but loved working with their team due to its supportive environment. Not conducting exit interviews can mean missing out on these insights, leaving your organization in the dark about critical issues affecting volunteer retention. So, embrace those conversations like the treasure trove of information they are!

Best practices for Exit Interviews

1. Schedule it promptly after the departure announcement. This ensures feedback is still fresh and volunteers feel valued, not forgotten.

2. Create a safe space for honest feedback. Assure volunteers that their thoughts won’t lead to negative repercussions. Trust fosters candidness.

3. Ask open-ended questions. Instead of “Did you enjoy your time?” use “What was your most memorable experience?” This prompts deeper reflection.

Most common pitfalls for Exit Interviews

1. Conducting exit interviews too late. Waiting weeks or months risks losing the volunteer’s genuine impressions and leads to diluted feedback.

2. Making it an uncomfortable experience. If the atmosphere feels stressful, volunteers will hold back. Keep it friendly and engaging!

3. Ignoring the feedback received. Gathering insights is pointless if your organization doesn’t act on them. Follow up and demonstrate that you value their input.

How we can help

We recognize that gathering feedback is essential for enhancing volunteer satisfaction. That’s why we’ve developed a modern volunteer signup app tailored for organizations like yours. By streamlining the sign-up process and facilitating better communication, you’ll create a proactive environment for your volunteers. We’re working hard on building this software, and we invite you to try out our app. Sign up for a free account at Zelos Team Management and watch your volunteer management revolutionize!


Volunteer management glossary